Christmas Rose

This tutorial teaches how to create the Christmas Rose.

This image is painted using only your PSP Program.

After creating the Christmas Rose you might like to paint the Christmas Bouquet which can be foundhere


Lets Begin:

Open a new canvas, 143 w x 187 h. Transparent background.

View, zoom in by 1.

After unloading your selections, For each petal from 1_petal to 10_petal.sel. Add a new raster layer. Flood fill with #B1B377, selection, modify, contract by 1, flood fill with #E0E0C2. Select none. Then, go to blur, gaussian blur radius 0.50, apply. Do this for each petal.

Once you have completed your petals, Add a new layer, selection, load from disk, 13_flowershadow. Flood fill this layer with #97995D.

Add a new raster layer, selections, load from disk, 14_flowerhighlight. Flood fill with white.

Add a new raster layer, selection load from disk, 11_flowercenter1.sel. Flood fill with FEE569.

Add a new raster layer, selection load from disk, 12flowercenter2sel. Flood fill with FEE569.

Add a new raster layer, selection load from disk, 15_center#E0A714, flood fill with #E0A714. On the same layer, selection load from disk, 16_center#AD5A00, flood fill with #AD5A00. On the same layer, selection load from disk, 17_center#FCF1C0, flood fill with #FCF1C0.

Add a new layer. Selections, load from disk, 18_flowerstymen. Flood fill with 8B8D00. Then on the layer palette, adjust the opacity to 20, then change the blend mode to dissolve.

Merge visable all layers. If you prefer a sharper image, go to effects sharpen, sharpen. If not save your image as a tube or simply minimize it if your going to create the boquet.

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I create graphics and tutorials for the pure enjoyment of designing and making graphics, tutorials and background sets. All of the work you view was created soley by Evening Star and staff.
This tutorial may not be downloaded for any purpose other than to follow the tutorial. If your a Moderator of a group, please email me before adding this tutorial to any lessons..etc. This tutorial may NOT be copied in part or whole.

This Page was created entirely by Evening Star and staff. My Email addy is: Evening Stars Email

©Monday, November 25, 2002 03:35 PM

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